Welcome to the Winter Share!
Winter share season is 20 weeks long, beginning in late November and ending in April, with 10 bi-weekly pick-up "windows". Vegetables will be set up in our walk-in cooler at all times, so you can come for your 10 pick-ups whenever you’d like, as there are no set dates or times.
Please sign in with your INITIALS and the DATE on the sign in sheet each time you come. The sign in sheet will be inside the walk-in cooler on the table by the scale.
Fill your bag to 12 lbs for full shares, or 6 lbs for half shares, with whichever vegetables you like from the crates set up around the walk-in. All members will also receive 2 heads of garlic, 1 bag of salad greens, and 1 bunched green. Use the provided scale to make sure you have taken the proper amount for each bi-weekly pick-up window.
Before you leave, please make sure all BURLAP has been replaced and PLASTIC BAGS ARE FOLDED over to keep the produce from drying out.
When you leave, please be sure to SHUT THE COOLER DOOR until it latches and TURN OUT THE COOLER LIGHT.
Thank you!