We are so excited about the new horse and hay barn we finished in the Spring of 2014. It's a homegrown barn, from lumber we harvested here on the farm with our horses and milled on site. The upstairs stores lots of loose hay, a big improvement over the small barn space and several outdoor haystacks we had relied before. The downstairs is for the horses and our compost bins, which mostly get filled with manure and bedding from the horse stalls. The barn design is inspired by an Amish style that is well-suited for putting up lots of loose hay.
We had a barn-raising with the help of many community members and friends from near and far on March 8th, 2014, and one of our friends took a series of time-lapse photos for the day. It's really neat to be able to see this way. You can watch the short version (one minute long), or the longer slideshow (about 9 minutes), at these two links: